Sunday, July 30, 2006 

Sound of One Hand Typing?!

I figured my streak of summer injuries would end this summer with being in Windsor and not being all that active. (Past events include the goalpost run and the multi-coloured shin) Well, today at the golf tournament while smoking a drive I felt a popping feel in my lateral deltoid and was collapsed in pain on the tee block. This is bad news. It hurts a hell of a lot. Definitely going to the doctor tomorrow morning and hoping that this isn't that serious.

We ended up 4 under, the winning score was 8 under. I honestly feel that if I had been healthy we could've given them a run for first. Losing when you're outclassed is one thing, losing when you've got a chance never sits right.

Update: It seems like a partially dislocated shoulder. X-rays coming in tomorrow morning.

Thursday, July 27, 2006 

Offline Time

I think it's best if I just stopped posting for a while. Check back on Monday for at the very least a summary of the debauchery that's sure to occur at the Engineering golf tournament on Sunday.

This is a going away present of sorts.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 

Cold Wind

I just saw this and I call think of is that Karygiannis has finally gone insane and overinflated his ego to delusions of grandeur. He's an embarrassment to Scarborough-Agincourt. He didn't attend a single vote during the last parliamentary session. Ugh...

I wrote this Friday night after coming home from a party. I went digging through the archives trying to find it only to realize that I wrote it less than five days ago. Yesterday morning feels like a month ago.

It's always easier to block out that one major problem than it is to block out those dozens of minor ones. And it's the former that's causing all of the problems.

I lied and it's digging away at me. Sometimes all you can do is worry about it. Because that's all you can do.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006 


Nothing like a shot to the heart to get you out of bed at 8:00 in the morning. A disturbing parallel to two months ago, down to the time of the day and day of the week.

This made me unbelievably sad today.

That's it...

Sunday, July 23, 2006 

Hot Cross Buns

Five points from this weekend:

I had my much delayed beer pong debut, ending the weekend with a record of 3-1, with a 1-1 record in aquapong. It's the same as normal except you find a folding table and stick it on a pool mattress. Frickin' sweet.

My body is riddled my mosquito bites from two nights of parties. Some people wake up from a party with bruises or cuts. I wake up with 30 mosquitos bites driving me insane.

Beer that is cheaper than Molson Canadian at the LCBO isn't palatable. It seemed like a good idea at the time; saving the 30 cents that it would've cost to buy Strongbow instead. Lucky tasted better than this stuff. Warsteiner Premium Lager, that is. I also blame said beer for the totally fucked up dreams I was having last night. Definitely, a new high(low?) for utterly insane things running through my mind.

$60 worth of empties doesn't sound nearly as impressive as you may imagine. 25 cases isn't just that much. Though it only took two parties to generate that, I guess that's not bad.

4 albums that should never be included on any legitimate top 50 CDs list:

Matchbox 20 - Yourself or Someone Like You
50 Cent - The Massacre (Actually higher than OK Computer and In The Aeroplane Over The Sea. All 4 CDs here are higher than the latter.)
Squirrel Nut Zippers - HOT
Garth Brooks - No Fences

Yes, that list actually exists on the intra-web.

Saturday, July 22, 2006 

Wish List

Margaritas, Kokanees, Stellas and cake; a precursor to tomorrow. I got something burning inside me but the problem is that I can't figure out what it's for. I know what soothes it, Elliot Smith (specifically, Waltz #2). I wish I had the ability to transcribe the emotions which run through my body. Others can write in prose, I write in bulk. Words scooped out of bin and thrown on some paper for a discounted price.

I wish I could write a song.
I wish I could play an instrument.
I wish I was creative.
I wish I wasn't such an indie-hipster poseur fucktard. (See the new sidebar below.)
I wish I wasn't a wreck sometimes.

It was a question that I was still unprepared to answer. I feel bad since this was the type of the thing that I should have buried in my heart, always a more reliable source than the brain. In stumbling through details and forgetting facts, I feel like I've done a disservice. That in my ignorance I've let him down. It's always easier to block out that one major problem than it is to block out those dozens of minor ones. And it's the former that's causing all of the problems.

I wish I could have the music tapped directly into my brain.

it's ok, it's alright, nothing's wrong
tell mr. man with impossible plans to just leave me alone
in the place where i make no mistakes
in the place where i have what it takes

Friday, July 21, 2006 

Afganistananis with AIDS

Turning on, tuning in and dropping out seems like a mighty fine option for the fall. Well, at least for a couple of weeks, after that I don't really know how much my liver or other vital organs could take. I have built up an unhealthy amount of nervous energy these past couple of weeks and I just need to unwind. I can't sit still, I wander around the house while brushing my teeth (and this will go on for more than five minutes, the twitchy motion of teeth brushing fits well with a whore's ransom of nervous energy). Even watching TV can't relax me. Except for The Office, a 14 hour marathon would mellow me right out. I might now have a plan for Saturday.

As weird as it is to say, the only time that I can focus is when I have to do work and even then, it has to be the night before it's due. If there isn't that need to do it, I just can't concentrate on it. We got a 200 word summary paragraph due on Monday. It's a total waste of time that would take me five minutes to do. I could probably do it now in less time than it took to write this but instead I know I'll leave until Monday morning.

Thursday, July 20, 2006 

May Contain Coarse Language (Reader Discretion Is Advised)

It's done. It's finally fucking done. The motherfucking, goddamned report is over. My friends, my long capstone nightmare is over. The party will be soon enough. Time for five hours of sleep.

Here's a life lesson for all of you at 2:25 in the morning. When someone asks you to do something four months ago and constantly checks with you during every meeting that you did it and it's right. It better fucking be right.

People who don't fix their design sheet mistakes are monkey-fuckers. And not those cuddly monkeys either. Those nasty monkeys, with sandpapered and thorned anuses.

It's over.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 

Looks Just Like The Sun

I'm really happy with the progress made today on the report. After receiving a 3,500 word report, it's been beefed up to a healthier 7,600 words. And that's not including the four geotechnical reports that I haven't touched or whatever Peter's got for me.

During a break, I googled my name. I'm always curious to see what comes up. Six hits, four of them were actually me and one of those four was a surprise to see. A difficult read, that's for sure. It doesn't feel right to link to it, it's there if you want to see it.

It's the little things that keep bringing back the memories, the heat pouring out of the oven in the kitchen, a phone bill for $100, a display at a grocery store. Memories forever contained in the random aspects of life. It's a nice addition to the memories that will be contained forever in my head.

And whoever spent the night reading my archives instead of working on their Capstone report should be, well, I don't know what they should be. They're just not that interesting. And if your not from environmental, what the hell are you doing reading my archives. I DON'T KNOW YOU. I guess that's not funny unless you've seen that King of the Hill episode?

THAT'S MY PURSE! I DON'T KNOW YOU! {Kick to the groin}

The kick to the groin, it works in every language. English, Grade 11 French, etc.

All your kind, they're coming clean. They shut their eyes, their mess, their scenes.
All your kind, their spool and lines, their crash, their kiss, they harmonize.
All your kind they're, all your kind they're, all your kind they're coming clean.
They sleep through keys, they kill their needs, it's kill.

KC Accidental - Broken Social Scene

Monday, July 17, 2006 

Looking for a Summer Job? No Pay.

Got some free time on your hands? Want to help me edit my capstone report because my group is filled with idiots who didn't send it to me until today at 6:23 and are absolutely useless considering I've got the best writing skills of the group. That's how bad it is.

Please help. I've spent the last seven hours trying to peace together 20 pages of broken thoughts in broken english. It's utter shit.

Seriously though, it's only about 25 pages long (it goes by fast, sewer design is fascinating) and you'll really help me out. Leave a comment or send me an email, if you're interested. Even if you haven't seen an equals sign since Grade 10 math, it doesn't matter.


Saturday, July 15, 2006 

Mad Ballin' Shit

It's been a miserable day but finding this actually made up for it. From Season 3 of The Chappelle Show, the MTV Cribs sketch.

Friday, July 14, 2006 


I'm at my wit's end here. I still haven't received anything. What the fuck is going on? No replies to emails, no contact at all. Where the hell are they?

Edit: It is now 4:46 and still nothing. I even mentioned it to one of them in class, as soon as you get home, send me what you have. I'm working with idiots here.

EDIT: 10:12. I've spent the night doing everything but the report. Where in the hell is it?

Thursday, July 13, 2006 

I'll bring home the turkey if you bring home the bacon.

I'm fucking pissed. Really, really upset...

Capstone is now due in 6 days and I'm sitting here with nothing to do. I was promised the most recent version of the report so I could begin 'editing' it over six hours and I've got nothing. I can't start 'editing' until I get it. The last version I received was 8 days ago and nothing since. We had a meeting this afternoon and mentioned numerous times that I need the newest version so I could work on it tonight. If it's not here by 11:00, I'm going to sleep I mean it's not like I've been up to 2:00 in the morning the last three nights working on this. I've maxed out what I can do with an eight-day old report. Fuck...

So it seems that the end is here for Weezer. The band that I've seen live the most. Arrow Hall ('01), Molson Amphitheatre ('02), Coachella ('05), Kool Haus ('05) and the Amphitheatre ('05) again. Clearly, a situation of fading away when they could've burned out quite nicely. I was going to title this "Say It Ain't So" but it just isn't true, not to mention how lame that would've been. I would've been crushed by this news about 18 months ago. Now, it doesn't really mean much. Make Believe destroyed me as a Weezer fan. Complete and utter dreck defines that album. Not a redeemable thing about it. But they won't be remembered for that or the previous album or the one before that. Let's just pretend that it all ended with Pinkerton. Blue and Pinkerton: Two perfect albums.

The Good Life

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 

WTF, mate?

Japan. Home of sushi, Sakuraba, Hello Kitty and Tae-Bo Translators. Enjoy.

Capstone blows...8 days to go.

Monday, July 10, 2006 

So simple in the moonlight...

Anthems For A Seventeen Year-Old Girl fucking kills me. I can barely listen to it any more.

I am but a mere Bright Eyes loving fool. As much as I may project a tougher exterior or may act like a fool or a punk (in the non-musical sense), I'm an emotional sucker at heart. I don't take nearly enough drugs to be as mellow as I often am. This is utter bollocks... NEXT TOPIC!!!

I create these obscure connections with the memories of my life, 99% of which revolve around music. I have all of these memories and each one has a corresponding soundtrack. A drive back from Edgefest with Pinkerton playing or a drive back from Laura's with Just Like Heaven coming from the Edge. Sitting at home in Grade 9 or so, listening to Above by Finger Eleven and discovering the internet while listening to OK Computer. Sitting on a bus surrounded by thousands of windmills with streams of Rilo Kiley and the Raveonettes floating around me. This is my drug. What is it like to have a normal memory?

I don't have nearly enough pictures of the things that are important in my life. It's a major oversight.

Lua, off the Coachella DVD.

Sunday, July 09, 2006 

mais pourquoi?


It makes everything better. Especially sports. Everyone needs heroes and everyone needs villains. I don’t cheer for Holland, Brazil or France because I have any real connection with those countries. And I don’t cheer against Portugal, Italy and England because I got problems with those countries or people from those countries. On the other hand, Greece, I’ve got a major problem with them. Ultimately, all it is is a game. I like soccer and I love the spectacle of the World Cup. I’m not going to apologize for it. And I’m not changing.

Anyways…Zidane, what the fuck were you thinking? While it didn’t have any effect on the game, it’s still an embarrassing way for an all-time great to end his international career. So congratulations to Italy, definitely the best team overall in the tournament. Cannavaro is a fucking beast on defense.

Since installing sitemeter, I can now see who pops by here and from what weird and wild places they do. I've been pleasantly surprised/confused in the past two days.

Oh, yeah. And this is happening in November. Liddell vs. Silva. Now that's going to fun.

Saturday, July 08, 2006 

Deal and Gordon

I want to thank everyone who found and sent me job offers these past couple of weeks. Ultimately, with the frustration of:
a) Not being in the city that I want to find a job in.
b) Knowing that my degree won’t be complete on September 1 and the no-man land that may put me in.
c) School burnout

I’ve decided to put my job search on hold. I’m no long actively seeking a job that starts in September. I mean if I get a phone call offering me a job (Unlikely) somewhere I’m not going to turn it down. Once I get back to Toronto, I’ll worry about a job, right now school is enough of a burden.

A friend of mine in Engineering is going to be moving to Toronto in the fall for Med. School at U of T. Recently, she mentioned that she’s going to have familiarize herself with Toronto and all of the places to eat and things to do. She wants to live in the Annex of all places. I often wonder what the experience must be like to move somewhere and just be overwhelmed by the options. I mean, where do you start?

Continuing from yesterday, I found this site really cool. Countries or territories that once existed but have been forgotten. Who knows what else has been forgotten to the ages of time? Stupid things mostly though the occasional golden nugget can be dusted over.

The struggle continues…

Friday, July 07, 2006 


So the week from hell is over and things went pretty well. Or at least I think they did. It all depends on how those four midterms come back. And it's not as if there's a break coming up, the sprint to Capstone begins today and there's less than two weeks to go. In spite of being frozen out of my group for a while, (long story, don't have the patience or heart medication to re-tell it) after today I do feel confident that things will get done and will be done well.

I just need to sleep. Road construction in front of my house isn't conducive to that. This week of all weeks, I didn't need to be woken up at 7:00 by sound of asphalt being laid.

Sometimes I think that I should've gone into history or political science, just because I'm a lot more interested in that then engineering. Engineering's fine and all but I don't think I've got a passion for it. It doesn't matter anyways, I hate writing essays.

The Stills w/ Sam Roberts are playing a free concert in Windsor in two weeks. Easily the best show to hit Windsor since The Dears one almost two years back.

I'm sure I've posted these before but I love 'em.

A heart that's full up like a landfill,
A job that slowly kills you,
Bruises that won't heal

Monday, July 03, 2006 


In the ongoing world of ridiculous things that I see in Windsor, a flyer from a local pizza eatery was dropped in my mailbox today. They were mainly advertising their new special for wings. 30 wings for $11.99 and 50 wings for $18.99. Below that though, in the fine print it says "Number of wings are approx."

Man, that is some bullshit. If you sell me 50 wings, I best be getting 50 wings.

Not that it matters, their pizza and wings taste like shit.

I'm spending this weekend on the island. I'm crashing at Centreville.

The Flaming Lips (!!!), Gnarls Barkley, Alexisonfire, Eagles of Death Metal, The Dears, The Hidden Cameras, 2ManyDJs, Phoenix, Starsailor, Buck 65, Plaster

Massive Attack, The Raconteurs, Sam Roberts Band, Wolfmother, Thrice, K'Naan, Zero 7, Jose Gonzalez, We Are Wolves, Mickey Avalon

And more to be announced. Oh, this is going to be tasty.