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Tuesday, July 18, 2006 

Looks Just Like The Sun

I'm really happy with the progress made today on the report. After receiving a 3,500 word report, it's been beefed up to a healthier 7,600 words. And that's not including the four geotechnical reports that I haven't touched or whatever Peter's got for me.

During a break, I googled my name. I'm always curious to see what comes up. Six hits, four of them were actually me and one of those four was a surprise to see. A difficult read, that's for sure. It doesn't feel right to link to it, it's there if you want to see it.

It's the little things that keep bringing back the memories, the heat pouring out of the oven in the kitchen, a phone bill for $100, a display at a grocery store. Memories forever contained in the random aspects of life. It's a nice addition to the memories that will be contained forever in my head.

And whoever spent the night reading my archives instead of working on their Capstone report should be, well, I don't know what they should be. They're just not that interesting. And if your not from environmental, what the hell are you doing reading my archives. I DON'T KNOW YOU. I guess that's not funny unless you've seen that King of the Hill episode?

THAT'S MY PURSE! I DON'T KNOW YOU! {Kick to the groin}

The kick to the groin, it works in every language. English, Grade 11 French, etc.

All your kind, they're coming clean. They shut their eyes, their mess, their scenes.
All your kind, their spool and lines, their crash, their kiss, they harmonize.
All your kind they're, all your kind they're, all your kind they're coming clean.
They sleep through keys, they kill their needs, it's kill.

KC Accidental - Broken Social Scene