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Friday, August 04, 2006 

Perfection Denied

So capstone presentations were today. While things didn't go poorly, it's just one of those things that you never want to think about again. It's in the past and so are the ridiculous group meetings and everything else that this project entailed.

The thought of coming home for good in three weeks is an absolutely bizarre feeling. To think that it was four years and two days ago that I found out from Queen's that I wasn't getting in is absolutely insane. And the cross-province road trip that happened in the following weeks. Packages from Thunder Bay, North Bay and Ottawa coming daily. Where did these four years go?

To be brutally honest, I'm not going to miss Windsor. I'll miss the people, that's for sure. But this isn't for me. I live steps away from the university and there isn't a coffee shop within any reasonable walking distance. It's a Friday night and I'm sitting around, doing some work, thinking it'd be nice to go out and get a cup of tea. There's a real lack of places to go and chat, especially when I'm popping pills that prevent any alcohol intake. Where do all the English students go?

Speaking of lost time, where have the past two years gone? Funny how one decision can change your life forever. Still a hell of a show to miss but worth it.

For now, it'll just be nice to be home tomorrow afternoon for a couple of days.

*cough* *connie* *cough* *cough* *mexico* *cough cough*

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