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Tuesday, August 01, 2006 

Off to the DL

I was going to finish writing my lab report before writing this post but Zohair's comment forced the change in plan.

So it's a small tear of my left lateral deltoid. Since being prescribed anti-inflammatory medication, the swelling in the area has gone down a lot and my shoulder doesn't look like its dislocated anymore. When the medication begins to wear off, it still really hurts. And when it says to take pills with food, it means with food, not an hour afterwatds. Messed up my innards last night that medication did. Even today I haven't been reacting that well to the pills, two of the five common side effects I'm suffering from:

* abdominal or stomach cramps, pain, or discomfort (mild to moderate)
* dizziness, drowsiness, or lightheadedness

It's really difficult to do any meaningful work when I've got that second side effect going on. Not that the heat is helping either.

Obviously, there's still discomfort and I've been told 1-2 weeks of no physical activity and 2-4 weeks of light activity. Physiotheraphy has been recommended but to be honest, I just don't have the for it over the next three weeks. Reports, presentation and exams already threaten to swamp me. So no more softball, golf or go-karting anytime soon. That's alright, I've got Worms Armageddon to kill time with now.

You should do go-karting ONE HANDED YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS then run into those little non-buffering hay/tire chunks and yes i can see this idea going downhill fast

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