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Tuesday, April 11, 2006 

Straight Out of the Gutter

"And, despite U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum's weak showing in recent polls, Gillespie predicted the Pennsylvania Republican will be heading back to Washington, D.C., once the votes are tallied in November.

"Rick, historically, is a late closer," Gillespie said. "He tends to come from behind.""

Hee hee...


Sportsnet Playoff Pool

Group: Woburn Group
Password: Woburn

Just in case you forgot, I am the defending champ.


One of the sickest moves you'll ever see inside of a MMA ring. Just go to 7:35 of this video and see something amazing.

Ryo Chonan HL


The song lyric game is still going on, in case anyone cares.

Where would we be without Dan Savage?

Hmmm...I'll add another line and give out the year that the song came out. Maybe that'll spark something.

Technically, his mom would be an asshole ... since he came out of her.

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