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Sunday, January 14, 2007 

Obstacle 1

So it's time for some good news. As anyone who saw this post knows, my mother is currently undergoing chemotherapy and she had an appointment last Monday with her oncologist.

My mother had a full body CT scan on December 29. The results from last Monday showed that there was no new growths on her brain or breast and the ones that did exist on her lungs had either shrunk or completely disappeared. This was shocking news to everyone involved and it now looks like chemo will be over by the end of March at which point there will be another CT scan to see if it's all gone. So by my count, that's going to be only five more treatments and she's going to be done. And then by July she'll have her license back and eventually things can back to normal.

Everything seems different now that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I can see myself getting a job and starting at the beginning of May (after a trip to Coachella). Maybe even a job I'll enjoy where I can put my degree to use.