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Tuesday, December 12, 2006 

James Feat. James

Today was one more step taken to finishing off this burdensome degree. Sociology was written and done in a flash. It was the first time I ever remember being bored during an exam, 150 meaningless multiple choice will do that to me. But it's the last exam I'll ever have to write in a testing environment. I still have my takehome politics final due on Friday but hell, it's a takehome so I don't really care. This is quickly becoming a very anti-climactic finish to everything. No cram sessions regarding chemical processes that make no sense or frantic searches for how to do first-year math that we've all long since forgotten.

Check out xkcd.com. It's good.

aw, now i'm confused.

try missing commencement...then it'll really feel anti-climactic.

...they still haven't mailed my sodding degree.

the only thing better than james feat. james is jibbs...feat. jibbs

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