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Monday, September 04, 2006 

Going to Try and Stay Regular Again

It's been a while since I've written anything here. And it's not for a lack of things going on. Sometimes life just gets too busy that you barely have time to take inventory of yourself, let alone finding time to write. And it's unfortunate because one of the points of this whole thing was to keep people up to date with my life when I just didn't have the ability to do that over a pint.

Minding all of that, let's start with the end of the semester, my last semester in Windsor but not the last semester towards my degree. Exams went well and that's been seen in marks so far. Easily my highest marks so far in university and barring some disaster, my first trip to the Dean's List. I still don't know what my capstone mark was but since I worked for more than 4 days on it, it shouldn't be less than a A-. I honestly don't know how this has happened though I think the lack of a guaranteed 'disaster' course helped. (Transport Phenomena or Chemical Reaction Engineering). Starting this semester, I'll be taking two distance education courses to help to complete the degree. A sociology and a political science. I doubt they'll be too straining and it's not like I won't have the time to spend on them.

I was held "hostage" for about a five minute period in Windsor by the campus police as friends were sent out to search for another slightly intoxicated friend. From beginning to end one of the most bizarre hours of my life.

My computer is still not fixed.

Sometimes we're faced with a scenario where we feel inadequate in our abilities to help someone. You never want to over-step your bounds. I don't know what this is...what I'm trying to say is:

There's nothing worse than the feeling of helplessness. The inability to control the events impacting on your life. The inability to gave support to the people you care about whether it be through distance or communication.

I just want to do more.

Stay strong.


so oscar is buster's biological father?

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