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Thursday, September 21, 2006 


Well, Peter tagged me for this and because there's nothing more intimidating that peer pressure and the thought of people not liking me. Here I go...8 unknown things about myself.

1) I hated myself in Grades 6-8 and it took me a long time to resolve these feelings towards myself. Not losing baby fat until high school is a terrible thing to happen to someone's ego.

2) I didn't even kiss my first girlfriend. This was Grade 8. In retrospect, it was a pretty unhealthy month and a half.

3) I would be happy to never set foot inside the United States again. Crossing the border in the past 5 years has never been anything but a hassle. Canadian border guards ask the same questions yet manage to do it in a way that doesn't portray them as total assholes.

4) Regarding the second half of point one, I still have a very poor body image of myself. The only time I've ever felt happy with myself was after going to the gym last summer. For all of the reasons that one would choose to go to a gym, mine is mental.

5) I feel bad for allowing friendships with people from high school to fall apart these past four years. I'm going to try and rectify this in the next few weeks. I would like nothing more right now than to get everyone one together for a game of football at Woburn, impossible as it is.

6) I've shot a gun. Actually, a couple of different kinds of shotguns. It took a while to get the hang of it but before I knew it, I was knocking those clay pigeons out of the sky. It was a pretty exhilarating experience.

7) Alright, here's another political one. I support instituting a toll to enter the downtown core. Where this core is, I don't know, but I do know that it will reduce the amount of times that I drive down. Parking downtown is the same as 2 TTC trips. Throw a toll on top of that and it's no longer the cheaper option.

8) I dread recommending restaurants to people, in the fear that it'll be so bad that'll suck and blow at the same time. Actually, I dread recommending anything to anyone because I worry that I'll ultimately be wasting their time because as much as I liked it, they hated it.

BONUS 9) Because this is too good not to share. I love Laguna Beach and can't wait for new episodes. It's the second best comedy on the air right now behind The Office. I just wish I had a button on my remote that I could press which would cause Cami to be hit in her troll face by a two by four. Bitch. MTV is the best for sitting at home in the afternoon.

I'm not going to tag anyone since if anyone hasn't done this be now, they're never going to do it.

Meh, I didn't kiss Adam when we first dated. It was a week long and then I told Shylar to break up with him. Does that count?

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