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Friday, August 18, 2006 

Substitute Your Lies For Fact

I went for a wander just now. I wouldn't call it a walk since I think walks usually have a path and a set destination. This just involved me walking around and trying to gather my thoughts and hopefully some motivation to study for my exam tomorrow.

My computer is dead...power supply or the battery? I don't think computers actually have batteries. I get it to stay on for about five minutes and sort of shuts down into this stand-by mode that seems like computer purgatory. The computer that I got first year, first week dies a week before I scheduled to leave. Funny, how that works out. So I'm stuck here in the computer centre writing this and trying to read the plethora of pdfs posted to our course website for the exam tomorrow. But it's just like Windsor to be closing the computer centre at 8:00 because no one ever needs computers during exams. So the 97 page documents on corporate environmental reporting and other mundane minutiae of the corporate life will have to wait. I might just act like I read and bullshit whatever may come up. I mean that's all these reports really are, a layer of facts smeared in shit to mask the actual facts.

I don't think anyone every expects perfection. Normal will do, 100% of the time. The ability to function properly in a social setting, to make yourself pleasant to be around, to be able to talk to someone for five minutes and have them not want to slap you in the face and say, "God, what the hell is wrong with you?", it occurs in such a low concentration that it must be a defect. I better watch out for myself.

A month ago when I was stressed about Capstone report, I thought about how great it would be to just go out and get plastered. To feel that over-riding burden lifted off my back. That didn't really work once the night was over, the strain returned without much of a weight. You can't just try to escape it for one night because it'll still be there the day after. The best that I can ultimately do is cope with, find something that allows me to function normally. One of these things is music, Feist does a pretty good job of mellowing me out especially while studying/working. The other, well that's a whole other post entirely that I'm not quite ready to write yet. In fact, some stories just work better in person with beer than via this.

so you think because you're back in the big city now that you can just stop posting? Where am I going to read about Johnson? Where am I going to read bout Rong? Damn you James, damn you. Missing a great party tonight at J-dog's house....we need your floor to crash on!!!!

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