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Tuesday, November 29, 2005 

Election Time

So the government has fallen, it's a state of anarchy. Time to start blasting the Sex Pistols and to begin the hoarding, looting and setting up of a local warlord.

When I'm at home, my riding is solidly Liberal; when I'm at school, my riding is solidly NDP. Maybe one day I can move to a riding that might actually have some excitement. Like Trinity-Spadina. Wow, there are some lucky people who live there.

I figure it's going to end up like this:

Liberals 115
Conservatives 110
Bloc Quebecois 57
NDP 26

Which will be an even more interesting session of parliament than this one. Social conservatism doesn't fly east of Manitoba, especially in Quebec. The Conservatives will remain unable to win any sort of plurality of seats until they realize this. And they haven't yet. The Conservatives have to get a fiscally conservative, socially progressive Francophone. And until they do so, they'll be stuck wondering why no one in the East likes them.

Election Prediction Project

A very useful site full of time-wasting analysis for anyone interested in following the election campaign in depth. They did a pretty decent job of predicting the last election. Just around 87% of the seats correctly.

"Hell, I never vote for anybody, I always vote against."
~W.C. Fields

It seemed appropriate.

Olivia Chow came by two weeks ago for a town hall meeting. She actually came to around door-to-door to invite us. In any case, she's probably not going to win against Ianno. People in condos don't vote. Even if the polling station is in their own building, in the common rec room.

I'm rather out of the loop; times like these I wish I had access to TV or at least a few news channels.

Did I tell you that during the last election, we made our grandmother vote Green?

I wonder how my grandparents vote. Probably all NDP.

Someone sent me this link about the Greens. Seems like they can't keep their shit together.


I'll be orange again this year.

Oh yeah, in the last election, the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, and the Suzuki Foundation ranked the NDP's environmental plan above the Greens'.

Hmm, that's not good to hear. I think the reason why we voted Gree in '04 was simply out of spite for all the other parties.

I'm still cautious of the NDP because Layton seems to idealize too much.

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