Tuesday, March 28, 2006 

My Real Resume

In an effort to avoid doing any work on the 3 assignments I have due for tomorrow, I've stolen this from Peter.

1) Bold what is true about you.
2) Italicize what you wish was true about you.
3) Add one true fact about yourself at the end. (Don't feel compelled to do this... it's kinda long and not as interesting as it makes itself out to be)

* I miss somebody right now.
* I don't watch much TV these days.

* I love olives.
* I own lots of books.
* I wear glasses or contact lenses.
* I love to play video games.
* I've tried marijuana.

* I have been in a threesome.
* I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
* I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
* I curse sometimes.
* I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
* I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
* I'm TOTALLY smart.
* I have broken someone's bones.
* I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
* I hate the rain.
* I'm paranoid at times.
* I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
* I need money right now.
* I love sushi.
* I talk really, really fast.

* I have fresh breath in the morning
* I have long hair.
* I have lost money in Las Vegas.
* I have at least one sibling.
* I was born in a country outside of the U.S.

* I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
* I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
* I like the way that I look.
* I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months.
* I know how to cornrow.
* I am usually pessimistic.
* I have a lot of mood swings.
* I think prostitution should be legalized.

* I think Britney Spears is pretty.
* I slept with a roommate.
* I have a hidden talent.
* I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
* I have a lot of friends.
* I am currently single.
* I have pecked someone of the same sex.
* I enjoy talking on the phone.
* I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
* I love to shop.
* I enjoy window shopping.
* I would rather shop than eat.
* I would classify myself as ghetto.
* I'm bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
* I'm obsessed with my Livejournal/Blog/Xanga.
* I don't hate anyone. I dislike them.
* I'm a pretty good dancer.
* I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
* I have a cell phone.
* I believe in the Christian God
* I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
* I've rejected someone before.
* I currently like someone.
* I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
* I want to have children in the future.
* I have changed a diaper before.

* I've called the cops on a friend before.
* I am a member of the Tom Green fan club.
* I'm not allergic to anything.
* I have a lot to learn.
* I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger.
* I am shy around the opposite sex.
* I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
* I have at least 5 away messages saved.
* I have tried alcohol or drugs before.
* I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past.
* I own the "South Park" movie.
* I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Livejournal/Blogger
* When I was a kid I played "the birds and the bees" with a neighbour or chum.
* I enjoy some country music.
* I would die for my best friends.
* I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
* I watch soap operas whenever I can.
* I'm obsessive, and often a perfectionist.
* I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
* I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
* I know all the words to Slick Rick.
* Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
* I watch(ed) Spongebob Squarepants and I like(d) it.
* I have dated a close friend's ex.
* I like surveys/memes.
* I am happy at this moment.
* I am obsessed with guys.
* Democrat.
* Republican.
* I am punk rockish.
* I am preppy.
* I go for older guys/girls, not younger.
* I study for tests most of the time.

* I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met.
* I can work on a car.
* I love my job.
* I am comfortable with who I am right now.
* I have more than just my ears pierced.
* I walk barefoot wherever I can.
* I have jumped off a bridge.
* I love sea turtles.
* I spend ridiculous amounts of money on makeup.
* I believe in prophetic dreams.
* I plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
* I am proficient on a musical instrument.
* I worked at McDonald's restaurant.
* I hate office jobs.
* I love sci-fi movies.
* I think water rules.
* I went to college out of state.
* I am adopted.
* I like sausage.
* I am a pyro.
* I love the Red Sox.
* I have thrown up from crying too much.
* I have been intentionally hurt by people that I loved.
* I fall for the worst people and have been hurt every time.
* I adore bright colors.
* I love Dear Abby.
* I can't live without black eyeliner.
* I think school is awesome.
* I think pigtails serve a purpose.
* I don't know why the hell I just did this stupid thing.
* I usually like covers better than originals.
* I don't like multi-textured ice cream.
* I think John Cusack is adorable.
* I hate chain theme restaurants like Applebees and TGI Fridays.
* I watch Food Network way too much.

* I love coaching youth sports.
* I can pick up things with my toes.
* I can't whistle.
* I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snake slithers.
* I have ridden/owned a horse.
* I still have every journal I've ever written in.
* I can't stick to a diet.
* I talk in my sleep.
* I've often thought that I was born in the wrong century.
* I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
* Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
* I have jazz in my blood.
* I wear a toe ring.
* I have a tattoo.
* I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
* I am a caffeine junkie.
* I know who Santos L. Halper is. - The Simpsons...? I think?
* I read trashy romance novels and I am ashamed.
* I love wrestling.
* I am completely tree-huggy spiritual, and I'm not ashamed at all.
* If I knew I would get away with it, I would commit at least one murder.
* I cosplayed or know what cosplaying is.
* I have been to over 15 conventions.
* I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical, the better.
* I enjoy a nice glass of wine with dinner.
* I'm an artist.
* I have a goal to collect every Johnny Depp movie ever made.
* I am ambidextrous.
* I sleep with so many stuffed animals, I can hardly fit on my bed.
* My computer has a name.
* If it weren't for having to see other people naked, I'd live in a nudist colony. ... but the seeing people naked would be cool too.
* I have terrible teeth.
* I hate my toes.
* I have more friends on the internet than in real life.
* I have lived in either three different states or countries.
* I am extremely flexible.
* I love hugs more than kisses
* I want to own my own business.
* I smoke or have tried cigarettes.
* I have met a star from ABC's LOST.
* I spend way too much time on the computer.
* Nobody has ever said I'm normal.
* Sad movies, games, fics and the like can cause a trickle of tear every now and then.
* I am proficient in the use of many types firearms and combat weapons.
* I like the way women look in stylized men's suits.
* I don't like it when people are unpleased or seem unpleased with me.
* I have been described as a dreamer or likely to have my head up in the clouds.
* I have played tennis with my non dominant hand before.
* I have played strip poker with someone else before.
* I read the labels on food, shampoo, and other things just because.
* I have emotional problems for which I have sought professional help.
* I believe in ghosts and the paranormal.
* I can't stand being alone.
* I have at least one obsession at any given time.
* I weigh myself, pee/poo, and then weigh myself again.... see Oriental Feast. It was more in the nature of an experiment.
* I consistently spend way too much money on obsessions-of-the-moment.
* I know what THACO means.
* I have a signed Tom Servo head.
* I'm a judgmental bitch.
* I'm a HUGE drama-queen.
* I was a Spice Girls fan and I'm proud of it.
* I have traveled on more than one continent.
* I sometimes wish my father would just disappear.
* I have seen every single episode of more than one television show.
* I need people to tell me I'm good at something in order to feel that I am.
* I have met someone famous.
* I play/have played a tabletop RPG like D&D, Spycraft, etc.
* I have regretted the last five years of my life.
* I owe more in credit cards than I do on my car loan.
* I've never had to work third shift.
* I read manga.
* I can bend my thumb backwards to touch my forearm.
* I spend more time with my Sims than I do with my real friends.
* I know that I have lived at least two past lives, but don't have any way to tangibly explain it to anyone.
* I can speak (or at least get around in) multiple languages.
* I own every novel Danielle Steel has ever written.
* I can't sleep at night unless the TV is on.
* I find Angelina Jolie incredibly sexy as hell.
* I just got married.
* I can't help but move/dance to a song if it's rocking the way I like it.
* I am unhealthily addicted to Starbucks.
* I have fish.
* I do some things that I would never talk about in livejournal/blogger.
* I like to hop stairs several steps at a time.

* I would rather cuddle than have sex most of the time.
* I love warm sunny weather more than the cold.
* I haven't gone to class in a week.
* Some days I am asleep more than I am awake.
* I am capable of completely suprising myself.

* I rarely (if ever) wash my hands after I go to the bathroom.
* I don't know what meat tastes like.
* I consider my pet to be my small, furry baby.
* I just lost about 50 masculinity points by filling this out.

TRUE FACT: I have dirty dishes sitting in my bedroom.


The Song Remains The Same

Chemical Reaction Engineering midterm. 16/40.

I knew it was going to be bad and it was. I'm fighting for more marks, probably around 3 or 4. 9 or 10, if I'm lucky. Scratch that, if I'm delusional.

I figure since the start of 3rd year, when school really started, I've written 20 midterms. I haven't got less than 69 on 17 of them. The other three? All taught by the same prof: Thermo, Mass Transport and Chem. Reaction. Eng. And my marks were 40, 45 and 62 so I don't really believe when he says that I'm not working or studying hard enough. And by the way, it's 4th year, if I solve a problem by deriving a formula from scratch instead of using the "proper" formula and I still get the correct answer, it's not luck. It's knowledge. So give me full marks for the question.

"Now - I need a change of scenery
Just listen to me I won't pretend to
Understand the movement of the wind
Or the waves out in the ocean or how
Like the hours I change softly slowly
Plainly blindly oh me oh my!"

P.S. I'm going to have a coronary from this project. Please put me out of my misery now. Drugs will do nicely. Merci.

Sunday, March 26, 2006 

Immovable Objects

I set my alarm on Saturday for 9:30 so I'd make sure that I'd be up to get a Pearl Jam ticket and I did. Section 121, Row 7, Seat 13. While I'm sure that's not as snazzy as certain people's Ten Club seats, it was good enough for me to justify dropping a fair chunk of change. I proceeded to go back to sleep and woke up at about 2:30. I haven't done that since first year and it's really out of character for me. I can probably count on two or three fingers, the number of times that that's happened in my life. It was worth it. I woke up this morning and wasn't tired from doing so for the first time in a while.

What makes a bad powerpoint presentation? Near the top of the list has to be reading directly off the slides. That's why I didn't put every speck of information on the slides. Wish me luck, it's going to be a long week.

Friday, March 24, 2006 

Change of Pace

With my life recently focused on a certain 4th year project, I seem to have lost the ability to see or hear anything else.

I know the story before it's going to be written, a path chosen with consequences as inevitable as the rising sun. A clash of styles, a clash of cultures, a clash of control.

"Well, I know I didn't do much for the report so I'll print it off."

Yeah, that's a fair fucking deal. You spend $2 on the printing costs and I devote my week to working on the report, neglecting my other six classes to the point where I'll be spending all weekend playing catch-up. And it's not like next week isn't going to be same. A feeling of deja-vu already with an oral presentation set to occur in one week's time.

I spent the day thinking about the future while trying to escape the present. I registered accounts at monster.ca and workopolis.com and updated a resume that hadn't been truly worked on in three years, thanks to a repeating job at the Ministry. It doesn't look too bad but any job that might require a transcript is a job that I doubt I'm going to get. Some embarrassing marks on there, maybe I could pass them off if I went somewhere else. But a D+ at Windsor, probably looks a lot worse than a D+ at U of T.

Happier times ahead:
Radiohead in Montreal? Toronto can't be far behind.
Feist Remix Album
New Flaming Lips. Click on audio, make sure 'random play' is turned off and enjoy.

Thursday, March 23, 2006 


It's not that I don't respond well to criticism, it's that I don't respond well to people changing my work and fucking it up so it looks worse than it did before. If I'm put in charge of something, don't immediately discard everything I did because:

a) You don't understand it;
b) You never even looked at it.

If this is what a future in industry has for me, I might as well end it here and take that job offer that was in The Lance.

Summer Job?
Good Pay
Free Pizza

Sounds a hell of a lot better than another 5 months of this bullshit.

Sunday, March 19, 2006 

The Skin Of My Yellow Country Teeth

St. Patrick's Day was a sweet day. Being hungover at 5:00 in the afternoon since you started drinking at 11:30 is definitely an interesting thing to experience. Hopefully, I'll be able to follow up with some picture at some point. Though, I have to wonder why my group members for my Capstone project decided to have a meeting yesterday morning at 10:30. Oh wait, I know, they don't drink. 10:30 is bad enough when you're sober, being hungover is intolerable.

The bat wasn't dead. He was alive and after much screaming by the two of us we got in a dust pan and threw it outside. I need to do laundry today. I better finish before the sun goes down.

Last night, while flipping through the channels, I saw a headline on CNN that said "Paris is Burning" and immediately thought, "Damn it, first she has herpes and now chlamydia. The fantasy is slowing fading away. She better release another video."

(I am joking. She is dirty. I think I got the clap while looking at a magazine that had a picture of her. Stupid whore.)

Also, an ex-Churchill Heights/Woburn student is in the news. Official police report. (Warning:pdf). I hope they lock him up for a long time. Fuck him.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 

Good Will Hunting 2: Hunting Season

We've all set into some level of a malaise right now, assignments are now being left for the last minute, absenteeism is up in classes, it just seems as if that exam on Monday drained us of all our scholarly spirit.

It was Kyritsis-esqe in its delivery. Not like Mass Transport was last year, in another style. In the "Here's my 3 pages of solutions for the problems. Oh, it can be solved in 3 lines? Fuck beans." style. A pass would be nice but is no longer expected. March Madness tomorrow and St. Patrick's Day on Friday will be a nice opportunity to remove myself from the unpleasant reality of school. The illusion will quickly be destroyed by a group meeting, Saturday at 10:30. AM. Who schedules a meeting the morning after St. Patrick's Day? My capstone group. Ugh...I don't think I'm going to shower out of the need for some sort of non-violent protest. That'll teach them to drag me out of bed on a Saturday morning.

I'd never thought I'd see the day but Windsor was actually mentioned on pitchfork. A tour is coming to Windsor. Nevermind that it's a totally disgusting dive bar, nevermind that's it's Magneta Lane. It's a step forward from Projet Orange, Steriogram and The Salads. Small victories...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 

The Death Of Ferdinand De Saussure

There is a dead bat in the laundry sink in the basement. I am scared of bats. Petrified. Even dead ones. They're not so bad at the zoo behind the glass but I'm probably going to get someone to dispose of it for me. I'll buy them lunch for doing it. Is it better to have the lunch before or after removing it? Is there a Dr. Phil book on this? Where are you, Dr. Phil? Help me solve my crisis.

I'm a wuss.


The break between Fall and Winter semesters is called "Christmas Break" by most since Christmas lies during that time off. However, the break between Winter and Summer semesters doesn't have a name. There aren't really any holidays that reside in that time period. So from here on, it will be referred to as "Birthday Break" since my birthday is then. And nothing is better than that.

So during this birthday break, I'm planning to do stuff. Stuff like concerts. Like:
May 6 - The Strokes
May 9/10 - Pearl Jam
May 11 - The Stills

During the summer reading week:
June 24 - Bauhaus and Nine Inch Nails @ Amphitheatre
June 27 - The Walkmen

Franz Ferdinand and Death Cab for Cutie tickets are going back on sale on Thursday since the show has been moved to the Ricoh Coliseum. If you care...

Thursday, March 09, 2006 

Layout Change

I guess I can dedicate this change to the recently passed hundredth post and the also recently passed one year anniversary. But to say that either one had any influence on my reasons to change the look would be an out-and-out lie.

The recent discovery of a summer reading week has lifted my spirits to the point where I'm no longer completely distraught about having to be here for those four months. Peter had a pretty tasty idea last night that has been festering in my brain all day. I am coming out and saying it, "I fully support said idea."

That above idea has nothing to do with Hillside, however. If the lineup is half as good as last year, I'll be there. And rumours have it that the Broken Social Scene island show will also be going on for a third consecutive year. So that'll be going down again which will be another good time.

According to the Weather Network, it'll be 16 here on Monday and snowing on Wednesday. Not sure what's going on except that the engineering trip to Blue Mountain doesn't seem like the best idea anymore.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006 

Loser Engineers

If Peter's three years in engineering still haven't taught him how to fully appreciate the buoyancy formula at least I can say that I now somewhat enjoy these totally awful jokes.

1) Famous geeks are playing hide and seek in heaven. Its Einstein's turn to seek, so he closes his eyes and counts to ten. When he opens them everyone has run away and hidden, Newton however is still standing there like he was before, but with a chalk square drawn around him on the ground. Einstein says, "Newton I got you, why didn't you hide?" Newton replies,"No you haven't, I am Newton over a meter squared, so you actually got Pascal!"

2) Two functions are walking down the street when they see a differentiation operator coming towards them. "OH NO!" says the first, "I have to run! I'm just a constant function, and if he catches me I'm a goner!" "I've got nothing to worry about." says the second, "I'm e^x. No differentiation operator can harm me." So he walks up to the operator and says "I'm e^x. Do your worst!". The differentation operator looks him straight in the eye and says "Hello e^x. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm d/dy.".


Tuesday, March 07, 2006 

Hipster Assholes

Queen St. West

No Stars setlist yet so I offer you this to tide you over.

Live Stars

Scroll down.

What an uneventful hundredth post.

Monday, March 06, 2006 

Life Without Cussin'

What kind of idiot buys a censored record? Me.

Picked up Late Registration over the break and was ripping it today and was distraught to hear "broke, broke". Ass, Bitch, Fuck. I want profanity. Broke NIGGA!!!!

Anyone who wants this jank CD for their 4 year old cousin is welcome to it. What a waste of space this damn thing is.

3 midterms back. 90, 83, 71. The last one was expected but still a disappointment.

I'm trying to piece together a Stars setlist from the Docks show but haven't found one yet. Maybe one day...