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Monday, August 08, 2005 

Brothers and Sisters

A couple of people have asked me for an update on the car accident saga, so thanks for the concern and let's begin.

Last Sunday, I spoke to a lawyer and he told me it was a weak careless driving charge and will likely get reduced to following too closely. While not ideal, i.e. 30% increase in insurance; 4 points; it's still better than the careless charge will leave me without insurance with my present company and it'll be around $9000-11000 at another company. So I signed a contract, indicating that I gave the lawyer the right to fight the charge as if it was his own. It'll be 3-5 months for a court date and I'm not required to attend.

There was no internal damage on the van, which left the bumper, hood and front left panel to be replaced. Not counting labour that'll be around $5000. That's ridiculous. $1800 for a new hood? I don't know, the more I think about it, the more I think the hood is a bit of a luxury. It's not really needed, it doesn't do anything, it’s just like a fish tank or espresso machine. We should have the van back by the end of the week and we get rid of the rental Chevy Impala. I wouldn't recommend it, the radio is totally confusing.

On Thursday, I spoke to adjustor and gave him my statement. He seemed surprised by the careless driving charge and was a really nice guy to boot. At the end of my questioning, he mentioned that at this point all questions from the other guy's insurance company, lawyer, etc. should be redirected to him. So between signing the contract with the lawyer and this, I now have no other responsibility in this matter.

After going to Ariel's birthday party yesterday, it was nice to see her, Rachel, Theresa and Nicole. Sometimes, you hold these memories in your head that you feel no one else remembers and cares about and to hear other people bring them up with the same enthusiasm that you have, ultimately makes you feel really good about yourself. I don't know why. Perhaps, it's just that as much as we move on and change, we'll always have this common past together and we all cherish it.

What the hell is with the Leafs? Signing Domi for 1.25 million per is ridiculous. It's not that's not an inappropriate salary, Andre Roy got 1 million and Domi is better than him. But the Leafs simply can't afford to spend that money on a 4th line enforcer. They're going to bad this year, there's no two ways about it. But I'd still like to see them sign Anson Carter.

Scarborough Represent!!!

There goes a summer of work, but it sounds like you're up and running again, so congrats.

Fourth line? The way things are going, Domi will be in the top six, won't he? $1 million isn't so bad, huh?

Time for a Hunter's run

"... fight it as if were his own..."

yeah, i think that's called power of attorney


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