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Friday, July 29, 2005 

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

As a young man growing up, I was constantly entertained by one specific television program hosted by a charismatic host. America's Funniest Home Videos? Hardly.


So yesteday, my ride got pimped. Rear-ending another car will do that. The Windstar is gone for at least a week and we got a rental Chevy Impala. Now I get to talk to insurance companies and lawyers and lots of other fun stuff to try and pull my ass out of the fire. The other guy admitted that he was confused about the traffic and didn't know what was going on.

It's been an awful 24 hours. I just feel completely down and depressed after the accident yesterday. And I really don't want to go through it again, so I'll just copy an email I sent yesterday to Laura. I'll add edits where applicable because I have new information.

"So I got into a car accident this morning with the van. Why was I driving the van? Because last night when I left I noticed the Taurus had no pick-up and struggled to go above 65. So I pulled into a gas station, called my parents and they came and rescued the car and me. Seems like a transmission problem. [ed:Seems more like bad gas now. No real problems driving it yesterday to and from work.]

So this morning on the 401 collectors at Victoria Park, this 73 old man in front of me wasn’t paying attention while driving and slammed on his brakes in front of me and swerved. I hit him. I completely destroyed the front left side of the van, probably $3000-4000 damage done. [ed:$6000 damage in reality] And there was nothing I could have done. I managed to keep the car out of traffic and from flipping over the curb onto the grass at the offramp. So we’re all fine. He’s fine too but after 30 minutes began to complain about a sore neck and they took him off in a stretcher.

I ended up with a $325 fine for careless driving. [ed:So it turns out I got charged with the most serious thing possible. I spoke to a lawyer last night and was told that we have to get the charge reduced or I will lose my insurance.] When there was nothing I could have done to avoid it. You can’t just go from 80 to 0 in 3 seconds on the 401 in rush hour traffic.

Appointment with a lawyer for Sunday at 1:00. I guess we're going to try and get the charge reduced to following too closely.

Fuck it.

there's a time and place for humour... and this probably isn't it.

We weren't tailgating; trust me. I'll provide testimony to that effect if necessary; don't worry buddy, we'll patch this up.

I don't know how it works, but you might as well bring up what the other guy said to the court. If he's there as well, then his words might help you out.

Tod zum Griechen!

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