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Friday, June 03, 2005 

For The Sake Of Writing Something

I haven't posted anything in a while because simply, very little has happened to me that requires me to use this outlandish piece of technology.

Work is incredibly dull. The summer is already a quarter over and I feel I've accomplished nothing at work. The days go by melting into each other, I eagerly wait any e-mail that gets sent my way, in the hope that it might be some work. In past summers, there's always been some busy work to keep me occupied. Well, all of that has either been transferred to another permanent staff member or is now done solely electronically. And plans for future surveys, planning is something I do well, have all mysteriously died off. My sneaking suspicion is that there is a fear of planning anything large just in case a strike might happen. Oh well, I guess at some point there's only so much Internet radio you can listen to. I haven't reached it yet.

So I joined a gym. 2 1/2 weeks ago. That's right, I never thought it would happen but I actually got off my ass and started working out. And I've actually noticed a difference in this short time. It's been a good constant in my life as other events seem to be erratically bouncing around. Plus it's a good safeguard against going straight home after work and sleeping on the couch.

Rubbing people the wrong way. What is it about certain individuals who you dislike for unknown reasons? There's this guy at work who I can't stand but it's difficult for me to describe exactly what it is that I hate.

The summer concert season looks amazing. I don't even know where to begin...

Weezer, The Pixies, Pearl Jam, Coldplay, Green Day, Jimmy Eat World, The Dears, Modest Mouse, Metric, Broken Social Scene and maybe some Buck 65 and The Go! Team and many more...

How about a Nine Inch Nails/Queens of the Stone Age tour? Giggidy, Giggidy, Gig.

I'm definitely making up for not being around next summer.