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Saturday, April 23, 2005 

Bigmouth Strikes Again

The last two and a half hours of my life can best be summed up by a very relevant post from Nevin from about a month ago.

"On the topic of improvements, I think I really need to learn to shut my big mouth. Really. I’m probably far too opinionated for my own good, and to make things worse, I often feel the need to tell people. Not that being opinionated is bad, but I think I’ve become far too insensitive. Those highschool years of constant insults to each other (in love, of course) has probably messed me up real nice. And it doesn’t help that we still insult each other all the time now, and I also do it with university friends. So dysfunctional. So good. But yeah, next time I open my mouth and sass comes out, tell me to shut up."

Now excuse me while I go sew my lips together.