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Thursday, April 21, 2005 

Tired of Sex(tet of Exams)

Coachella is a mere week away and right now, I don't know how I'm going to survive. It's 6:00 and I feel like falling asleep, completely forgetting about my exam tomorrow morning at 8:30. Maybe I should, it is open note, open assignment, open textbook.

Coldplay and The Stereophonics are both playing on May 11th in Toronto. Seperate shows. It seems the more things can change in my life, there will always be bizarre coincidences and constants keep pulling me back to the same thing. Things that I thought I exorcised a long time ago. Aside from getting in shape this summer, my second goal is to finally put everything behind that is no longer relevant to me now. Which is more than likely going to involve someone slapping some sense into me.

Anyone have a record player around that they don't want? Or some sweet place downtown where I could pick up a decent one for cheap. This one looks good. Vintage?

ohhh! i want that!

yeah...i was looking at that stereophonics show too. It's on my birthday which would be nice. Too bad all the white folks I know go to Queen's. Except like you, p. bizzle, and nick.

I'm getting in shape too, I've let myself go and I want to get back to benching my weight and running 10k's like it's nothing again.

Have fun at coachella boss.


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