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Friday, April 08, 2005 

Random Thoughts II

I've been much too busy lately with school to actually pay attention to the outside world.

It's been a long week but I'm happy to say that I actually finished the work that I needed to. Those presentations and reports still loom over the horizon but as of right now, they're far enough off where it seems like I'll have the time to do them. Monday's not that far off, right?

Everything is now booked for California. Everything needed to be reserved has been reserved and plane, bus and concert tickets have also been bought. In three weeks, I can imagine walking back from breakfast in sunny L.A, wondering how to blow a couple of hours since the bus to Coachella won't leave for a while.

It seems birthday preparations are already underway thanks to Matthew almost buying an arcade version of Blitz off eBay. It's going to be May 7th, everyone should know the drill by now. And I'm making sure J-Wah gets an invite this year. If he doesn't, we might have a throwdown. 13 years and still no girls. We'll see if that'll change this year. Maybe for an hour or so.

Funeral by The Arcade Fire has probably crept its way onto my top 5 favourite albums list. It's soooo good.

Is there a point in seeing all the bands I'm going to see at Coachella again? I'm already lined up to see Weezer, Nine Inch Nails and the Raveonettes after coming back. And I totally would've wanted to see all three Arcade Fire shows before leaving.

How about that new police chief? That's pretty crazy. Leave me a comment, if you have no idea what I'm talking about.

yeah man, what the blood is up with that? i suddenly feel unsafe in this city.

and how is may 9th a doable date man??? don't people have jobs? frig, i'm going to be in school man. put it on the frigging weekend. frig.

Yeah, I'm an idjit. That should be the 7th. Too much crack, not enough sleep.

The 9th is my first day of week, blowing it off for a party probably isn't a good idea


That should've said the 9th is my first day of work. I did write an paragraph without a verb in it, so I guess it's not that surprising that I still can't write.

yeah, seeing how you just wrote "an paragraph". idiot.

it's spelled idjit. idjit.

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