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Friday, March 18, 2005 

Mass Purging

I haven't posted since Tuesday since I've been busy the last two days with two of my more common activities, studying and drinking. My last midterm was Wednesday night at 5:30 so spent all day studying for it. I'd expect a 70, it's always best to have low expectations, it makes them so much easier to exceed.

So after 5 and a half semesters in Windsor, I finally got taken to a townie bar. First words of advice when going in "Don't worry about it. We've got your back if someone wants to pick a fight with you." Oh wow, this is going to be a fun night. Nevermind, that the smoke is burning away at my eyes and making me feel even more nauseous than before. Why was I nauseous? Probably since I started drinking at 2:30 on an empty stomach and kept eating while I was drinking to stop myself from getting trashed since I still had law last night. So that didn't work out as planned. So I wasn't feeling so well by the time we got to the bar and after five minutes, I joined the exclusive club of people who have thrown up in the washroom at Feelgood's. It was the best thing that could've happened, I felt much better after that act. And aside from the scary group of cougars who were eyeing our group and had said to my friend, "We don't play pool. We do other things." in an obvious pick-up attempt, the guy with the guitar absolutely butchering Yellow Ledbetter and the smoke continuing to burn away, it was alright.

85 on the law midterm. Not too shabby. One more mark to come. And my bracket has stood up well through the first day going 14/16.

A international 3-pack of links:

No Diving Doesn’t Mean No Diving

It’s A Bird, It’s A Bomb. No, It’s Just A Scooter

Who Needs Guns? I Got Me A Crossbow