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Tuesday, March 15, 2005 

Tick, Tick, Tick...

6 weeks and 2 hours left to go until I'm done. Luckily, for anyone reading this you'll be done way before me due to Windsor's completely crap schedule.

I'm nearing that burnout phase where after 6 and a half months of school, I'm beginning to lose interest at the worst possible time. Design projects are going to start being due; presentations are going to have get done and I still have to keep pace with weekly tutorials and assignments. With a final mid-term tomorrow and a project due next Thursday, I just need to ride these out and come back after Easter refreshed and ready to blaze through that last month. Reading week didn't really do it, I came back even more tired and lethargic. Instead of energizing me, it just reminded how nice it feels to do absolutely nothing.

It's like a drug. All you can think about is getting more. And fighting it cold turkey just makes it worse. And it's there, out of reach, waiting until the world shifts, bringing me ever closer. Just one hit, that's all I want.

'Cause when the smack begins to flow then I really don't care anymore.
Heroin - Velvet Underground