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Wednesday, March 30, 2005 

Fifteen Centigrade

Or as they tend to say down here, high-fifties, that crazy Fahrenheit scale. Speaking of crazy, this weather is absolutely gorgeous, got a chance to toss the ol' football around today. What a waste, I could've been golfing had there been some grass on the ground or if I had had my clubs.

As I alluded to in my title yesterday, I seem to be much more at ease since the weekend. The sarcasm hasn't been flowing as usual and even now I can't see myself getting worked up over things. Especially with the weather, the upcoming concert season, new albums by Weezer, NIN, The White Stripes and Coldplay coming out, Radiohead starting to record their new album, The Strokes almost finishing their album. Almost forgot about Coachella. This is in spite of the fact that I read an incredibly depressing book on the weekend about the state of the world and media, Censored 2005. As an environmental kind of guy, this is what stuck with me:

"The EPA altered a report on the environmental damage of a hydraulic fracturing process developed by Halliburton, Dick Cheney's former company. Hydraulic fracturing involves the injection of benzene into the ground, which in turn contaminates ground water supplies on the federal limit." Pg. 46

Are we so desperate for oil and natural gas that we're injecting benzene into our soil? It's a fucking carcinogen that can infiltrate through soil into groundwater supplies. OK, maybe they can still piss me off but what a bunch of evil fuckers.

I'm losing my edge.

Losing My Edge - LCD Soundsystem