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Monday, April 11, 2005 

It's Hard To Make The Good Things Last

So everyone is writing finals and I'm here with another week of class to go. This blog might become more active as I've got no one else to scream at for a while.

So I'm horribly out of shape. Either that or eating pizza and drinking apple juice for two straight days aren’t conducive to a healthy body. I went rollerblading yesterday, hit the two kilometer mark and decided that was enough for me. 4 km total. I'm pretty disgusted with myself, this summer I better get things in gear. Eating better and exercising better. Maybe even going to a gym, at this point I'm willing to try anything because yesterday was not good.

All of the reports are starting to come together now. The overwhelming pile of work is beginning to reduce down to a simmering pot of manageable tasks. Still though, this week is going to be low on the sleep side which is never a good thing going into finals.

A chill went down his back as soon as he said it. He's said it in the past without the reaction but this time it was different. The power of the words struck him and stunned him for a second. For a brief moment, he no longer recognized himself. There'd been talk recently regarding the advice that you'd give your younger self, he doubted that his younger self would've understood what he'd become. In the matter of two years, a transformation had occurred. The old version was buried away, deep within him and the new self had taken over. He hadn't "sold out", he hadn't given up his beliefs, and he had just found the key to unlock that new self. He said he loved her and kissed her good night, realizing that everything he had become was because of her.

I gained 6 pounds in the last 4 months. I've never been over 112 in my life and currently I'm 115. *sigh*

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