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Monday, April 25, 2005 


It doesn't get any better than this. Well, at least when it comes to Hearts.

Damn it, I wanted to embed this in the post but I'm much too stupid to do that.


July 20, 2006: It only took me 17 months but I figured it out. Sweet.

Download "Hello" from Blogger. It lets you post photos easily. Or get some of your high-quality U of Windsor webspace, and download SmartFTP, and learn a little bit about FTP. Then just post the photos on your webspace.

And also -
That guy James is awfully good at hearts. Too bad his name is so totally homosexual (prefers the company of other names of the same gender).

i'm so proud of you james. you've proven once and for all that nobody likes you and you're uglier than reggy miller. and 'cause you're going to bring it up, we're only coming 'cause you're serving lunch.

if only you wrote exams like you play hearts, james...

if only you wrote exams like you play hearts, james...

Come on now guys, let's be nice to James. He's giving us lunch in a couple of days, for crying out loud

- Anonymous

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