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Friday, April 15, 2005 

10 Hours of Change

I woke up this morning pissed off beyond belief. In fact the only reason, I dragged my ass out of bed was because I was starving. I was starving because I didn't have dinner last night working on my law report and presentation until the last possible minute. This all went for naught as the following things happened:

  • A group member stated that "approximately 7 people died at Walkerton". He put it in the report and I, as the editor, took it out. He put it in his PowerPoint and I took it out. But it still came back during the presentation.
  • He introduced another group member by his last name.
  • A second member whose section I rewrote because it was one point repeated to fill up a page and a half ended up speaking for longer than anyone else in the group because exactly what he wrote, he spoke about. i.e. 10 minutes of driving the same point home about pharmaceutical contamination in our water supply.
  • But that wasn't the only problem with what he said. There was NO source. Everything that he was talking about, I had previously deleted all of it from the report because he didn't give me any sources for it. Another reason why I had to rewrite it.
  • And he said "basically", approximately (appropriate usage) 60 times in 10 minutes.

What really pisses me off is the fact the work that they gave me was absolute shit, not sourced at all, and instead of acting as the editor I had to rewrite it all. I had to re-research everything, find my own sources because the two of them are fucking idiots.

I was pissed this morning so I bitched at two people this morning about the fun I had last night. That combined with some nice relaxing "California" music and some new Nine Inch Nails put me in a better mood.

Then I got some Quizno's coupons. That made it an even better day. So we went for lunch to Quizno's and it was good.

The weather was gorgeous, my stomach was full and I was all bitched out. But then the cherry on my day came. Laura had sent me a birthday card and I've been floating around the house all day.

And Indie has created a little intro for whenever they play a Coachella artist. It's been a great day.

P.S. I just want to share with you what I had to deal with for this report. Two quotes from each report; unedited.

“However, causality was much more sophisticated and complex.”

“Even throughout the hot summer, the city remains to have the “boil the water” advisory.”

“In recent years water pollution has becoming a greater issue to deal with. Especially since businesses are pouring new chemicals which are developed by these industries into the water systems which are unregulated and the effects are unknown to a certain extend”

“Overall the pharmaceutical products have not no short term affects on humans but shown that they small animals.”

ok, james
check this out:

It's a friggin' christian fundamentalist site.. whoa!

ok, james
check this out:

It's a friggin' christian fundamentalist site.. whoa!

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that's interesting...

if you're going to leave a comment. just sign it or at least make it obvious who you are.

oh, those are disappointing comments...maybe your partners can find work translating animes?

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