Wednesday, April 27, 2005 

Drinkin' in L.A.

So we're off to L.A., Coachella and the O.C.

I will see you all on the 7th. Lunch will not be served.

Take California.

Take California - The Propellerheads

Monday, April 25, 2005 


It doesn't get any better than this. Well, at least when it comes to Hearts.

Damn it, I wanted to embed this in the post but I'm much too stupid to do that.


July 20, 2006: It only took me 17 months but I figured it out. Sweet.


Me Fail Transport? That's Very Possible.

It's never good when the final comes with a little package of KY Jelly stapled to it. Transport was bad, possibly worse than the midterm which is saying a lot. One to go...and then I get to leave this barren wasteland for another 4 months.

Sometimes the best advice comes from the most unexpected sources.

Saturday, April 23, 2005 

Speaking Without Moving My Lips

"The end of the something I did not want to end,
Begining of hard times to come.
But something that was not meant to be is done,
And this is the start of what was."

Empty Cans - The Streets

"Why bother
It’s gonna hurt me
It’s gonna kill when you desert me
This happened to me twice before
It won’t happen to me anymore"

Why Bother - Weezer

"I've seen this happen in other people's lives
and now it's happening in mine"

That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore - The Smiths

"I would tell you
That I loved you
If I thought that you would stay
But I know that it's no use
That you've already
Gone away"

Boys Don't Cry - The Cure

"You want me, well, come on and break the door down
You want me, fucking come on and break the door down
I'm ready,
I'm ready,
I'm ready,
I'm ready
I'm ready"

Talk Show Host - Radiohead


Bigmouth Strikes Again

The last two and a half hours of my life can best be summed up by a very relevant post from Nevin from about a month ago.

"On the topic of improvements, I think I really need to learn to shut my big mouth. Really. I’m probably far too opinionated for my own good, and to make things worse, I often feel the need to tell people. Not that being opinionated is bad, but I think I’ve become far too insensitive. Those highschool years of constant insults to each other (in love, of course) has probably messed me up real nice. And it doesn’t help that we still insult each other all the time now, and I also do it with university friends. So dysfunctional. So good. But yeah, next time I open my mouth and sass comes out, tell me to shut up."

Now excuse me while I go sew my lips together.

Thursday, April 21, 2005 

Tired of Sex(tet of Exams)

Coachella is a mere week away and right now, I don't know how I'm going to survive. It's 6:00 and I feel like falling asleep, completely forgetting about my exam tomorrow morning at 8:30. Maybe I should, it is open note, open assignment, open textbook.

Coldplay and The Stereophonics are both playing on May 11th in Toronto. Seperate shows. It seems the more things can change in my life, there will always be bizarre coincidences and constants keep pulling me back to the same thing. Things that I thought I exorcised a long time ago. Aside from getting in shape this summer, my second goal is to finally put everything behind that is no longer relevant to me now. Which is more than likely going to involve someone slapping some sense into me.

Anyone have a record player around that they don't want? Or some sweet place downtown where I could pick up a decent one for cheap. This one looks good. Vintage?

Monday, April 18, 2005 

Edgefest Lineup

Wow, it looks like the Edge managed to fuck it up again.

Main Stage: Billy Talent, Alexisonfire, Coheed and Cambria, Jakelope, Story of the Year, Rise Against, Boy.

Second Stage: The Junction, The Reason, The Waking Eyes, Out of Your Mouth, Social Code.

Third Stage: Closet Monster, Bombs Over Providence, Hostage Life, Dead Letter Department, The Flatliners, Brat Attack.

$47.50. You've got to be kidding me...It seems like the only goal of this concert is to maximize profits. Sign the cheapest bands you can find and charge the exact same price that you charged to see Tool or the Foo Fighters or Green Day. 18 bands who have probably released no more than 30 albums total. In the old days Billy Talent would've opened the main stage and Alexisonfire would've closed the second stage. And we liked it that way...

Another summer, another Edgefest I won't be attending. Oh well, Pearl Jam will still be touring.

"As life gets longer, awful feels softer.
Well it feels pretty soft to me.
And if it takes shit to make bliss,
then I feel pretty blissfully."

The View - Modest Mouse

Sunday, April 17, 2005 

Cold Light, Hot Night

If I believed in a God, I'd have to believe that this has all been a test and if I stuck with, I'd be sure of a reward of the end. But I don't and have to conclude that the world just likes to fuck with me. I've suffered through 8 months of distance and now it seems like I'll have to wait another 2 without the distance.

All I'm asking for is once, just once, for this to come easily.

"My kind's your kind.
I'll stay the same."

Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Saturday, April 16, 2005 

Gnawing Away

I'm down to 312 Mb of hard drive space. Out of the 40 Gb that I originally could hold, 29.7 Gb of it is being used for music. I've removed all non-essential software and still have to try and go a week and a half without downloading anything new which sucks because I just found a LCD Soundsystem torrent. I'm turning obsessive; I blame it on the iPod. So I need a new hard drive and some nice friends who would be willing to help me transfer all of my files.

With two exams on Tuesday, I should be hammering the books hard but I've yet to feel that fear of finals. I have this feeling that I'm looking right past finals to all of the awesome things that are going to be happening afterwards. A sure recipe for disaster.

Pearl Jam at Edgefest? Maybe the Edge isn't as useless as I've said in the past. I would like to add to my summer concert listings.

April 30 - May 1 COACHELLA. Middle of the freakin' desert.
May 7 - Weezer. Kool Haus.
May 9 - Nine Inch Nails. Kool Haus.
May 11 - Stereophonics. Phoenix. (?)
May 21 - LCD Soundsystem w/ M.I.A. Opera House. (?)
May 27 - Kid Koala. Horseshoe.

Leaving anonymous comments isn't cool. Knock it off...

Friday, April 15, 2005 

10 Hours of Change

I woke up this morning pissed off beyond belief. In fact the only reason, I dragged my ass out of bed was because I was starving. I was starving because I didn't have dinner last night working on my law report and presentation until the last possible minute. This all went for naught as the following things happened:

  • A group member stated that "approximately 7 people died at Walkerton". He put it in the report and I, as the editor, took it out. He put it in his PowerPoint and I took it out. But it still came back during the presentation.
  • He introduced another group member by his last name.
  • A second member whose section I rewrote because it was one point repeated to fill up a page and a half ended up speaking for longer than anyone else in the group because exactly what he wrote, he spoke about. i.e. 10 minutes of driving the same point home about pharmaceutical contamination in our water supply.
  • But that wasn't the only problem with what he said. There was NO source. Everything that he was talking about, I had previously deleted all of it from the report because he didn't give me any sources for it. Another reason why I had to rewrite it.
  • And he said "basically", approximately (appropriate usage) 60 times in 10 minutes.

What really pisses me off is the fact the work that they gave me was absolute shit, not sourced at all, and instead of acting as the editor I had to rewrite it all. I had to re-research everything, find my own sources because the two of them are fucking idiots.

I was pissed this morning so I bitched at two people this morning about the fun I had last night. That combined with some nice relaxing "California" music and some new Nine Inch Nails put me in a better mood.

Then I got some Quizno's coupons. That made it an even better day. So we went for lunch to Quizno's and it was good.

The weather was gorgeous, my stomach was full and I was all bitched out. But then the cherry on my day came. Laura had sent me a birthday card and I've been floating around the house all day.

And Indie has created a little intro for whenever they play a Coachella artist. It's been a great day.

P.S. I just want to share with you what I had to deal with for this report. Two quotes from each report; unedited.

“However, causality was much more sophisticated and complex.”

“Even throughout the hot summer, the city remains to have the “boil the water” advisory.”

“In recent years water pollution has becoming a greater issue to deal with. Especially since businesses are pouring new chemicals which are developed by these industries into the water systems which are unregulated and the effects are unknown to a certain extend”

“Overall the pharmaceutical products have not no short term affects on humans but shown that they small animals.”

Monday, April 11, 2005 

It's Hard To Make The Good Things Last

So everyone is writing finals and I'm here with another week of class to go. This blog might become more active as I've got no one else to scream at for a while.

So I'm horribly out of shape. Either that or eating pizza and drinking apple juice for two straight days aren’t conducive to a healthy body. I went rollerblading yesterday, hit the two kilometer mark and decided that was enough for me. 4 km total. I'm pretty disgusted with myself, this summer I better get things in gear. Eating better and exercising better. Maybe even going to a gym, at this point I'm willing to try anything because yesterday was not good.

All of the reports are starting to come together now. The overwhelming pile of work is beginning to reduce down to a simmering pot of manageable tasks. Still though, this week is going to be low on the sleep side which is never a good thing going into finals.

A chill went down his back as soon as he said it. He's said it in the past without the reaction but this time it was different. The power of the words struck him and stunned him for a second. For a brief moment, he no longer recognized himself. There'd been talk recently regarding the advice that you'd give your younger self, he doubted that his younger self would've understood what he'd become. In the matter of two years, a transformation had occurred. The old version was buried away, deep within him and the new self had taken over. He hadn't "sold out", he hadn't given up his beliefs, and he had just found the key to unlock that new self. He said he loved her and kissed her good night, realizing that everything he had become was because of her.

Friday, April 08, 2005 

Random Thoughts II

I've been much too busy lately with school to actually pay attention to the outside world.

It's been a long week but I'm happy to say that I actually finished the work that I needed to. Those presentations and reports still loom over the horizon but as of right now, they're far enough off where it seems like I'll have the time to do them. Monday's not that far off, right?

Everything is now booked for California. Everything needed to be reserved has been reserved and plane, bus and concert tickets have also been bought. In three weeks, I can imagine walking back from breakfast in sunny L.A, wondering how to blow a couple of hours since the bus to Coachella won't leave for a while.

It seems birthday preparations are already underway thanks to Matthew almost buying an arcade version of Blitz off eBay. It's going to be May 7th, everyone should know the drill by now. And I'm making sure J-Wah gets an invite this year. If he doesn't, we might have a throwdown. 13 years and still no girls. We'll see if that'll change this year. Maybe for an hour or so.

Funeral by The Arcade Fire has probably crept its way onto my top 5 favourite albums list. It's soooo good.

Is there a point in seeing all the bands I'm going to see at Coachella again? I'm already lined up to see Weezer, Nine Inch Nails and the Raveonettes after coming back. And I totally would've wanted to see all three Arcade Fire shows before leaving.

How about that new police chief? That's pretty crazy. Leave me a comment, if you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Saturday, April 02, 2005 

Random Thoughts I

So the Pope is dead. Television stations have been on a deathwatch for the past couple of days and prior to that it was the Schiavo deathwatch. How much longer until we have an all-deathwatch channel? Oh well, he did things I agreed with, he did a lot of other things I didn't agree with. That's OK, I'm not Catholic. So thumbs up to the good stuff that he did.

So Phil's gone until the 17th and I've got the house to myself for a while now. This will be the longest that I've been in the house by myself for. Hopefully, I can get some things cleaned up so I can make a nice quick departure on the 26th.

So I got a job offer from the Ministry for the summer. It’s the same job that I've had the last two summers and the last summer job that I will ever have. After this, the next employment opportunity will be in the real world. Scary...

So I'm listening to Indie 103.1 and have come to realisation that Dave Navarro is hilarious. He's easily the funniest ex-heroin addict I've ever listened to.

So the hotel has been booked for two nights in L.A., two more nights still need to be booked. I hope it's not a dump, I just have this feeling that I booked us into the most ghetto Best Western in the world.

Friday, April 01, 2005 

Dead Air

I never knew silence could feel so good.

This is the greatest feeling ever. I never want it to end.