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Tuesday, March 15, 2005 

Reliving A Bad Dream

So it truly was a Kyritsis-esque test. From the "easy" problems, to the total class dejection, to the failing marks.


Fucking 38.

Oh well, what am I going to do except say that I despise Mass Transport. And that as sympathy for all our failing marks, he'll drop the midterm and mark the final as 90% of our total mark if we do better on it. This is not going to be pretty...

I truly do not understand fascination with celebrity. Especially people who are famous because they're rich or becuase they're lip-synching abilities are astounding. No link today because I'm not giving these people any more attention. In spite of the completely idiotic things that they do.

my first comment didn't show up :S

at least your prof didn't scream, "Don't you get it? Huh?!! Do you get it?!"

heh...you're both right. the funny thing is he actually did do what you said Min Min. I knew there was a fourth thing that reminded me of him.

socks and sandals?

socks + sandals - kyritsis wasn't german!

wasn't he an albanian greek, or something?


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