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Monday, March 14, 2005 

Picking Fights

So I guess wisdom and insight doesn't necessarily come with age. Even the smallest issue has to be magnified until it's a grand ol' commotion. It's my weekend and I'll choose to decide when I'll come and go. It should be pretty obvious that I'm not coming to home to see you. That weekend is dedicated to one person and she's why I'm coming home early and leaving later and that means I'll be missing classes, well that's what's going to happen.

A forced laughter echoes throughout the room projecting as if he's having a good time. He slowly glances around the see if anyone can tell how tired and lonely he is. No one does. No one is paying him any attention. It didn't use to be like this but that was a long time ago in a far off place. If he could just turn and run and it wears him out, wears him out, wears him out, wears him out...

Because Tongue Rings Just Fall Out Without Noticing

aw, they're just showing they care...it seems like the 'letting go' part is the tough part of the spectrum to hit, somewhere between 'smothering' and 'throwing out'.

I like the deflection there, "nose rings are clean, go wash your hands." That's as silly as Iron Chef America, it seems.

iron chef america is a bastardization of one of the greatest hours of tv ever. "the nostalgic taste of the food invokes memories of a time i spent in the saharan desert."

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