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Sunday, March 13, 2005 

Corporations: Not Always Evil

Now You Can Kill From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

I have to admit in the past few years while at home, I've become incredibly non-reliant on restaurant chains for my take-out food. Why go for Mr. Sub when you can have some Roti Boys? Mr. Greek or Pizza Pizza? Why bother? You've got Hunters' and McCoy's. Then there's Federick's and Agincourt Bakery. Pretty much the only chain I go to while at home is Licks' and that's because I was raised on their burgers and it's like a drug. I wish there was one in Windsor.

For the record, Popeye's does not count. I'm never sitting at home when I suddenly think, man I could go for some pure grease that'll clog up my throat and render my unable to do anything physical for the next couple of hours. In spite of that, nothing is better than going with your friends and having a Po' Boy sandwich and some wine.

So imagine my surprise when a Quiznos opened up just down the street from us in Windsor. It was a lifesaver. About a 6 minute walk, on my way there I pass 5 bars and a Chinese restaurant. I would eat at the bars and support local business if it wasn't for two things.
1. The food sucks. Menus are often have very few things for a real meal and food doesn't tend to be cheap.
2. You can still smoke in bars in Windsor.

And the Chinese food in Windsor is just down-right awful. It's flavourless and bland.

Remember the episode of South Park with the underwear gnomes.

  1. Collect underpants
  2. ?
  3. Profit
Well, that wasn't the primary point of the episode. It was about the evil coffee corporation coming into town and threatening to shut down Tweek's parents coffee shop. Everyone is in an uprage until they realise Tweek's coffee is crap. Pretty much same situation here except I don't think Quiznos is going to put anyone out of business. Why? They don't sell beer at Quiznos.

dude, wtf. first of all, how do you have a blog and not tell me? and second, how do you NOT have cravings for MADD GREASE? THE GOLD MAN, THE GOLD!!!!

i don't know. i just don't get cravings for the popeye's grease. and if i got a grease craving, it's all about McCoy's.

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