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Wednesday, March 08, 2006 

Loser Engineers

If Peter's three years in engineering still haven't taught him how to fully appreciate the buoyancy formula at least I can say that I now somewhat enjoy these totally awful jokes.

1) Famous geeks are playing hide and seek in heaven. Its Einstein's turn to seek, so he closes his eyes and counts to ten. When he opens them everyone has run away and hidden, Newton however is still standing there like he was before, but with a chalk square drawn around him on the ground. Einstein says, "Newton I got you, why didn't you hide?" Newton replies,"No you haven't, I am Newton over a meter squared, so you actually got Pascal!"

2) Two functions are walking down the street when they see a differentiation operator coming towards them. "OH NO!" says the first, "I have to run! I'm just a constant function, and if he catches me I'm a goner!" "I've got nothing to worry about." says the second, "I'm e^x. No differentiation operator can harm me." So he walks up to the operator and says "I'm e^x. Do your worst!". The differentation operator looks him straight in the eye and says "Hello e^x. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm d/dy.".


come again?

Well, there's got to be some literary jokes that'll fly right over my head.

Neither one of these is really funny anyways, you're not missing much.

That first joke just "torr" me up. It really raised the "bar" for future jokes. Lightened up the "atmosphere" of the whole blog, you know. It's almost as if we have a "psi"-ychic connection in that we both find the same things funny. However, I'd "gauge" that you didn't find it as funny as I did, though. I'd even "venturi" to say that you didn't find it funny at all. Tell those jokes to Laura and they might result in some "head loss".

Okay, that last one was bad.



haha, airhead...

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