Wednesday, December 14, 2005 

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

It’s ridiculous how quickly the tension lifts after finishing finals. This overwhelming burden is gone and I'll I've got to worry about now are the more trivial and fun aspects of life. Train leaves at 2:00, gets into Union at 5:47 and then the fun begins. I haven't begun to pack yet but it's not that difficult to take everything and just jam it into a number of bags. Clean or dirty, it doesn't matter. It's going home where it can get a real washing. Yes, I'm one of those people, don't judge me.

Peter mentioned that he hasn't seen me drunk since Gio's which was one year, four months and seven days ago. It's a day that I won't be forgetting. But anyways, I began to think that St. Patrick's Day was the last time I got sufficiently drunk and that's no good.

I'll see you all very shortly.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 

Chewing Gum

The inability to express emotions over MSN is going to seriously bite me in the ass one day. I just know it. It's unfortunate.

Annie. Pop has never sounded so good.

That's it for today.

Sunday, December 11, 2005 

Little Thoughts

I want a samosa. Scarborough style. Big and tasty. Three for a dollar. Damn...

The two exams yesterday went quite well, all things considered. By the end of psych, I just felt like someone had been clubbing me in the head for the past 12 hours as my brain just hurt from being used. Poli. Sci. is in just under 48 hours and I haven't touched the book since the midterm. It's definitely a story for success. Do my readings tomorrow, summarize them and go over the class notes. It worked well for the midterm and I'm not too concerned with my mark on this exam. Especially since it may turn out that I will be unable to use the course as one of my three "true" electives. It's a stupid story that I don't want to go into detail about. Stupid Windsor.

Handgun ban in a nutshell. A waste of money aimed at scared white people that'll do fuck all to solve gun violence. The guns being used in these shootings are being smuggled in to Canada from the States and until someone puts together a feasible plan to tighten up the border, these problems will continue. It's good politics for the Liberals; ensuring that they'll win their urban ridings and they're only pissing off people that hate them anyways.

BTW, the contest was to make me laugh, not to leave me puzzled. I should probably think of a non-alcoholic prize because Zohair's winning by simply not confusing the fuck out of me. And he didn't even answer the questions.

Back on Wednesday. Good plans have already been made, getting sauced on Thursday and trashed on Saturday. And Stars on Saturday too. It's going to be a great first week back.

Oh yeah. All you sick people out there and there seems to be a lot of you, get better soon. I am going to have to see you over the break.

Thursday, December 08, 2005 

Jumping Off The Cliff

Since everyone else is doing this, I'll do it too. But since everyone is probably already sick of doing this, I'll add a prize. Beer. Whoever makes me laugh the hardest wins a pint. That's right, I'm buying friends with alcohol. It always seems to come back to that.

1. What is your name?
2. For how long have we known each other?
3. Where did we first meet each other?
4. What was your first impression of me?
5. Do you still think of me in the same way?
6. When did we last see each other?
7. Describe me, using at least three words.
8. Are we friends?
9. Choose one character from a TV show that is similar to me. Please name the show.
10. If you had to give me a nickname, what would it be and why would you choose it?
11. Have I made an impact in your life?
12. What is the best memory that we've had together?
13. For how long do you think we will be friends?
14. What do you think my weakness is?
15. Do you think I'll get married?
16. If so, to whom?
17. What makes me happy?
18. What makes me sad?
19. What reminds you of me?
20. If you could give me anything, what would it be?
21. How well do you know me?
22. Have you ever wanted to tell me something, but couldn't?
23. Do you think I could kill someone?
24. What is one of my goals?
25. What are my favourite colours?
26. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
27. Anything else?

Wednesday, December 07, 2005 

Election Thoughts

I saw an article today about the similarities between the Conservatives in Canada and the Democrats in the US. Two parties that seem forever doomed to be looking at government from the wrong side of the aisle.

(Warning: The above analogy may not be 100% accurate but you catch my drift.)

There is a large difference between the Democrats and Conservatives that the article completely missed. The Conservatives have a vision, the Democrats do not. The Democrats run on the “We’re not Bush platform.” Unfortunately for the Conservatives, their vision is flawed. It is a vision that is unelectable in Canada. The campaign is only eight days old and they’ve thrown away any chance they had at a minority government. These mistakes include:

1) The “Time to toughen up on drugs. This includes pot.” platform. While everyone agrees that we need to shut down meth labs and other manufacturers of illegal drugs, I haven’t heard/read any support for this from a single police chief, newspaper, police spokesman, or person on television. Even the National Post has remained silent on this and I have the benefit on being able to read it every day since it’s free on campus. The War on Drugs has been a complete failure in the United States and it’s a completely insane political stance to try and import into Canada.

2) Gay marriage. While the move by Harper was definitely done to settle his base voters, it’s done him no favours when trying to get Eastern voters on board. The problem here is twofold:

a) In order to repeal the gay marriage law, he will be forced to use the Notwithstanding Clause. The Supreme Court has found the language of the Marriage Act to be unconstitutional and forced the government to make the changes that were needed. No government would ever use the Notwithstanding Clause to try and get a piece of legislation passed. It would be political suicide. Assuming he never actually planned to do this and wanted just to speak to the base, well, that’s problem number two.

b) Gay marriage is a done deal. Ceremonies are being performed across the country as we speak and society around us is not crumbling. Things are working fine so far and to the socially liberal voter, they’ve got no reason to want to go back. By even bringing up the issue, you’ve made it clear to these voters that you want to take away a right that has had no ill-effects in the time since its passage into law.

It’s happened, deal with it, it’s time to move on.

3) They’ve hammering the wrong points to Canadians if they want to get elected; they need to gear their speeches towards these five points:

1) Economic conservatism.
2) Nationalism and restoring funds to military. Peacekeeping, not Iraq.
3) Like I said, don’t mention gay marriage.
4) A minority government is what we’re going to have to deal with; we’re going to have to compromise and work with other parties and we’re willing to do that.
5) Corruption as an issue isn’t working. Move on. A poll today said in today’s National Post said that corruption was the top priority in this election for 8% of the population. Number One? Health Care. Stop beating a dead horse.


The Clock Is Ticking...

So I think I'm totally disgusted now by the thought of having a hamburger with the exception of home-made, Licks and McCoy's. Harvey's was my last refuge in Windsor for a burger but it's been replaced by a Grilled Chicken and a Side Salad. No more fries, no more onion rings while I'm here. If I'm going to remain as physically inactive as I am while here, I might as well try to ensure that I'm eating healthier. Also, I think it's simply the natural evolution that began with the McDonald's boycott and moved its way on to other burger joints.

With two exams on Saturday, 12:00 and 7:00, I plan on being locked in the library for the next three days. I probably should've been there today if it wasn't for the lab report that wouldn't end. Two on Saturday, one on Tuesday and then next Wednesday I get to come home. Oh, that will be good.

Al Sharpton is filming a pilot for his new television show. I realize that this is for CBS but still. Arrested Development is cancelled, The Office is friggin' hilarious and is stuck with NBC unable or unwilling to promote it properly, let us not forget the genius that was Sportsnight. Culture sucks.

Songs that played on iTunes while writing this (I swear it):
Tractor Rape Chain - Guided By Voices
Heterosexual Man - The Odds
Catch - The Cure
Snappin' & Trappin' - Outkast
The Promise (On Mix) - When In Rome

Tuesday, December 06, 2005 

N'oublions jamais.

Geneviève Bergeron
Hélène Colgan
Nathalie Croteau
Barbara Daigneault
Anne-Marie Edward
Maud Haviernick
Maryse Laganière
Maryse Leclair
Anne-Marie Lemay
Sonia Pelletier
Michèle Richard
Annie St-Arneault
Annie Turcotte
Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz

Monday, December 05, 2005 

Stories From Degrassi

Continuing on with my bit from yesterday's entry about child actors. Yesterday on CTV was an hour long reunion thing with the cast of Degrassi. Old-school Degrassi. You know you still watch it, 12:00 on Showcase, it's so awesome.

Anyways, after the show finished taping, the actor playing Wheels disappeared and no one was really sure what happened to him. It turns out he was in Windsor living a normal life with a normal job.

Windsor: The Home For Ex-Child Actors Who Seek To Hide From The World

Don't worry, I'm keeping an eye out for Corey Haim.

The other awesome bit was where the interview with the actress formerly known as Caitlyn was. The pier in Santa Monica. I was freaking out. And this scene completely cemented my plan to go to Coachella again. Knowing what we know now, we'll be able to avoid all the mistakes of the past. Better than ever...especially if Radiohead is playing.

I cannot wait for the Stars show. It's going to be radical and tubular. That's how good it's going to be.

Sunday, December 04, 2005 

Lacking Toasty Goodness

A couple of months ago, I raved about the fact that a Quizno's had opened up down the street. I was especially happy about this fact during my sickness when I realized it was the only food establishment in the area that a)had chicken noodle soup 100% of the time and b)was non-smoking. I went down there today to get a nice sandwich even though I had food at home; I had a craving. It was closed. It turns out the owner of the store owed the landlord from whom he was renting the property approximately $7000. The landlord contacted a bailiff and they shut the place down. He has five days to pay him the money or it seems the Quizno's is gone forever which would leave my off-campus eating possibilities to the local pita place or Harvey's (which isn't bad now that I get a Grilled Chicken Sandwich/Salad/Lemonade combo).

I happened to catch the end of SNL tonight including the musical guest. I didn't know who the musical guest was or the host. Now that I've looked it up, it was Dane Cook hosting and James Blunt as the musical act. I don't know who either of these people are. For better or for worse...

Stephen Harper today introduced his plan for mandatory minimum sentences for individuals who deal drugs. To this I have to quote the great lyricists from System of a Down and say:

"All research and successful drug policy show
That treatment should be increased,
And law enforcement decreased,
While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences."

Prison Song: one of the best opening tracks of all time.

Remember that Nintendo 2 hour infomercial called The Wizard? Remember the girl in that movie? The one who made out with Fred Savage. It turns out she's the lead singer of one my favourite bands, Rilo Kiley. Yes, Jenny Lewis from Rilo Kiley was in The Wizard. It's creepy. Does this cost her indie cred? I mean she was only ten when she was in the movie. But on the other hand, she did sing backup on the Postal Service album. A great debate for this generation.

Friday, December 02, 2005 

The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

Possibilities for my future assuming environmental engineer is a failure:

1. Bassist in Peter's art-rock group extraordinaire. The New Broken Social Scene. Unfortunately, this would involve me learning how to play bass guitar. Failing that, I can always play triangle or slide whistle. I mean once these bands get above 10 members there's bound to be a couple of hangers-on.

2. Independent candidate for election. I'll routinely take about 200 votes in Scarborough-Agincourt based on people who know me and people who are related to me. My simple goal is to defeat the Communist candidate each time. People would rather live in my society than a Communist society. It's a small victory but I'll take it.

3. Become a hippie child and work at a golf course in the 905. I'll get free rounds of golf and other perks. Plus knowing the kind of people who live in Unionville/Uxbridge/Aurora, there will drugs a plenty lying around.

I've been listening to way too much Arcade Fire, Broken Social Scene and Bright Eyes lately. I fear I may have a problem; I can't stop.

Thursday, December 01, 2005 

Geezers Need Excitement

Boredom; just the thing to keep your mind racing at thousands of thoughts per second. This usually isn't a good thing.

How much of a friendship is based on the fact that you're stuck with each other over an extended period of time? It would be easier to be amicable than it would to be otherwise. Do I put on an obviously fraudulent exterior in order to keep the peace? It seems that I do.

I walk away from social functions often wondering what I've done to be thrown in with such a group of ill-behaved adolescents. Acting as if they were fifteen. I know that sometimes, we (Woburn folk) don't act in the most mature way. But underlying that is that when it's time to shape up and act accordingly, we do so. Something as simple as keeping your voice down or something more complex such as leaving a tip seems to be an issue. A tip of $0.00 isn't appropriate. Should I make up the balance of tip so that waitress isn't screwed over? Probably.

I guess the depressing thing is that no matter where I go or what I end up doing, there will always be people like this. The uncouth, the ignorant and the idiots.

I miss you all.