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Saturday, April 02, 2005 

Random Thoughts I

So the Pope is dead. Television stations have been on a deathwatch for the past couple of days and prior to that it was the Schiavo deathwatch. How much longer until we have an all-deathwatch channel? Oh well, he did things I agreed with, he did a lot of other things I didn't agree with. That's OK, I'm not Catholic. So thumbs up to the good stuff that he did.

So Phil's gone until the 17th and I've got the house to myself for a while now. This will be the longest that I've been in the house by myself for. Hopefully, I can get some things cleaned up so I can make a nice quick departure on the 26th.

So I got a job offer from the Ministry for the summer. It’s the same job that I've had the last two summers and the last summer job that I will ever have. After this, the next employment opportunity will be in the real world. Scary...

So I'm listening to Indie 103.1 and have come to realisation that Dave Navarro is hilarious. He's easily the funniest ex-heroin addict I've ever listened to.

So the hotel has been booked for two nights in L.A., two more nights still need to be booked. I hope it's not a dump, I just have this feeling that I booked us into the most ghetto Best Western in the world.

I want a job too!

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