Thursday, May 12, 2005 

Confessions of a Convicted Spammer

My Internet service at home has been suspended by Rogers since our house was allegedly sending out a crapload of spam. Though I don't really know how this works, I assume the bulk of it was coming from my computer due to my recent spyware issues. I thought I had done a decent job of the clean-up but that's obviously not the case. So I have to use work time to check emails and everyday I come in and seem to have 7 new ones. Mostly dealing with pelting of certain individuals with rocks.

It's pretty boring around here without any other students. I'm guessing more are starting next week or there just isn't the money that there was in the past. There is another student in my office though we honestly have little in common. He seems to be a huge Howard Stern fan, I didn't realise people still listened to him and he's got a bit too much book smarts and not enough street smarts for my liking. Especially in a job when a large portion of your work comes to you on the fly, it's not an advantageous characteristic. Perhaps I'll be taking care of all of that stuff.

A-, B+, B, B, C+. Disappointing marks. I was hoping that at least two of those Bs would've been As and that C would've disappeared. Plus there is still Transport. Which is where I get to re-write the final during the third week of August to try and salvage a C. It's depressing to think of all the work that I put into my courses this semester to come out with these marks.

Coachella Thoughts #2
Los Angeles is a piece of crap. We talked to so many people and absolutely no one had anything positive to say about it. This includes the now classic line, "Los Angeles is a city that lives off the souls of its residents." The smog is disgusting, the dilapidation is horrid and the people pissing themselves laughing during Sin City was incredibly annoying. (Good movie though.) If we were ever to go back to Coachella, I'd choose to completely avoid L.A., nothing good came out of our time there. Santa Monica was nice and Venice Beach was interesting and the record store was sick but next time, we need to find two more people and take two weeks and drive down and back. Have a road trip of it. See Omaha.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 

Clueless and Bored

So I’m sitting at work with little-to-nothing to do so far. It took all of yesterday for to actually be able to log in to my computer and it pretty much took all of this morning to get me access to my email. This was never disabled from last summer which left me with 1500 messages in my inbox.

There seems to be semi-/bi-weekly hockey games at lunch, supposed to be Tuesday and Thursday but today's game seems to have dissipated. Too bad, I was looking forward to that.

Firewalls have been dropped meaning I now have access to my Yahoo and Hotmail email accounts and MSN too. Hopefully others will begin to realize that their firewalls aren't as secure as originally thought.

I went out today at lunch to pick up the new Weezer album. A first day buy. And got me thinking how many bands are still around that once a new album comes out, I'll be at the store the first day to get it. Weezer, Radiohead, The Arcade Fire, The Shins, The White Stripes and The Strokes. I think that's it. I guess that means something though I'm not really sure what it is.

Coachella Thoughts #1
Memories of this trip continue to fade in and out of my head as the days go on so I'll just repost something I had written elsewhere for today.

The Arcade Fire were amazing. I spent the whole weekend hyping them up and they did not disappoint. I thought I was going to die during NIN but near the front where I was, everyone sort of settled down after the first few songs. As much as I love New Order, NIN and Prodigy, the climax of Coachella was The Arcade Fire set. 25 bands in 2 days, running ourselves ragged, losing 7 pounds in a week. I honestly cannot wait until next year and the possibility of coming again.

P.S. Saturday was good too. Shame about having to choose between Coldplay and the Chemical Brothers.

Pictures are on the way...

Thursday, May 05, 2005 

What A Nice Present

Coachella was awesome. More on that later.


I come home, turn on my computer and find it infested with spyware and pop-ups and a bunch of other crap. Norton won't run, Ad-Aware won't run, nothing will run.

So pissed off right now...